Supervised theses (39) Theses supervised by group members


  1. La agilidad en la toma de decisiones para el emprendimiento en serie individual y corporativo

    Román Gutiérrez, José Miguel

    Supervised by Iñaki Peña Legazkue
  2. Essays on understanding assumption and prevention of undesiderable bank risk

    Martínez Malvar, Mariña

    Supervised by Laura Baselga Pascual
  3. The role of firm characteristics and knowledge in the international management of proffesional service firms

    O Higgins, Ciara Sophie

    Supervised by Nekane Aramburu Goya
  4. Efectos del liderazgo auténtico bajo la influencia de la inteligencia emocional

    Diego Marcos, Olaz

    Supervised by Concepción Yániz Álvarez de Eulate y Leire Gartzia Fernández


  1. Antecedents, process, and outcomes of entrepreneurial teams: an institutional approach

    Pinzón, Nathaly

    Supervised by José Luis González Pernía
  2. Marketing-specific intellectual capital: conceptualisation, measurement and performance

    Peñalba Aguirrezabalaga, Carmela

    Supervised by Josune Sáenz Martínez
  3. Unravelling traceability and transparency for sustainable apparel-fashion supply chains: A mixed-methods approach

    García Torres, Sofía

    Supervised by Josune Sáenz Martínez
  4. Sources of innovation in firms from an emerging economy: the case of Mexico

    Carrillo Carrillo, Francisco

    Supervised by María del Henar Alcalde Heras


  1. Intellectual capital and innovation: a comparison between high technology and low technology firms

    Buenechea Elberdin, Marta

    Supervised by Josune Sáenz Martínez
  2. Constraining factors for effective entrepreneurship policy implementation in a developing economy: evidence from Oman

    Al Shukaili, Abdullah Mohammed Abdullah

    Supervised by José Luis González Pernía y Iñaki Peña Legazkue


  1. Measuring meetings industry stakeholders cooperation from an embeddedness perspective


    Supervised by Bart Kamp Jansen y Miren Aurkene Alzua Sorzabal
  2. Determinants of corporate venturing: evidence from Spain

    Alremeithi, Eissa

    Supervised by Iñaki Peña Legazkue


  1. Entrepreneurial activity of immigrants in Spain

    Irastorza Arandia, Nahikari

    Supervised by Iñaki Peña Legazkue
  2. La importancia de las competencias emocionales de emprendedores de pymes uruguayas

    Quintillán Casas, Isabel

    Supervised by Iñaki Peña Legazkue


  1. The legal structure as a determinant of business dynamics

    arando lasagabaster, saioa

    Supervised by Iñaki Peña Legazkue


  1. Dinamismo empresarial en la comunidad autónoma del País Vasco durante el periodo 1993-1999


    Supervised by Iñaki Peña Legazkue