Publicaciones en las que colabora con Miren Larrea Aranguren (18)


  1. The development of action research processes and their impacts on socio-economic development in the Basque Country

    Leadership and cooperation in academia: reflecting on the roles and responsibilities of university faculty and management (Edward Elgar)

  2. The development of action research processes and their impacts on socio-economic development in the Basque country

    Leadership and Cooperation in Academia: Reflecting on the Roles and Responsibilities of University Faculty and Management (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.), pp. 216-233


  1. Academia and public policy: Towards the co-generation of knowledge and learning processes

    Interactive learning for innovation: A key driver within clusters and innovation systems (Palgrave Macmillan Reino Unido), pp. 275-289

  2. Bridging the Gap between Academic Research and Regional Development in the Basque Country

    European Journal of Education, Vol. 47, Núm. 1, pp. 122-138


  1. Academia and public policy: Towards the co-generation of knowledge and learning processes

    Interactive Learning for Innovation: A Key Driver within Clusters and Innovation Systems (Palgrave Macmillan), pp. 275-290

  2. Identificación de clústeres: un proceso de investigación-acción

    Orkestra-Instituto Vasco de Competitividad


  1. El mundo académico y las políticas públicas: hacia la cogeneración del conocimiento y los procesos de aprendizaje

    Innovación y aprendizaje: lecciones para el diseño de políticas (Innobasque), pp. 228-246

  2. La evaluación participativa: un enfoque aplicado a la política clúster de la CAPV

    Evaluación de políticas clúster: el caso del País Vasco (Orkestra-Instituto Vasco de Competitividad)

  3. Learning from the local: Governance of networks for innovation in the Basque country

    European Planning Studies, Vol. 18, Núm. 1, pp. 47-65

  4. Trayectorias de cambio en la gobernanza: experiencias en asociaciones "cluster" y redes comarcales en el País Vasco

    Ekonomiaz: Revista vasca de economía, Núm. 74, pp. 160-177


  1. Academia and Public Policy: Towards the co-generation of knowledge and learning processes

    Orkestra Working Paper Series in Territorial Competitiveness