Resultados preliminares de una intervención grupal con padres y madres de menores en situación de vulnerabilidad o riesgo leve de desprotección: Mejorando el estrés parental, la autoestima y la alexitimia

  1. Gallarin, Miriam 1
  2. Galvany, Jaume 1
  3. Torres-Gómez, Bárbara 1
  4. Alonso-Arbiol, Itziar 1
  1. 1 Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea UPV/EHU, Donostia-San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa, España
Inclusão Social

ISSN: 1808-8678 1808-8392

Year of publication: 2020

Volume: 13

Issue: 2

Type: Article

More publications in: Inclusão Social


Parental practices are crucial for a healthy psychological development of children and adolescents. However,some parents experience a series of family and social situations that bring additional stressors, hinderingparental function. These adverse circumstances, along with individual features such low education level, lowself-esteem, high parental stress, and high alexithymia, may trigger risk educational behaviors; this wouldcharacterize the base for what is known as families at psychosocial risk. Group intervention with parents offeradvantages in aspects such as social support, interpersonal learning, reduction of stigmatization, and lowercost-effectiveness. The aim of the present work was to show the features and preliminary results of the pilotpreventive intervention carried out in Pasaia municipality (Basque town in Spain) with parents of children atpsychosocial risk. Participants were 10 mothers and 2 fathers, aged 24 and 54 years old (M = 42.17; SD =8.21). Pre- and post- measures were collected for the following variables: self-esteem, parental stress andalexithymia. After a nine-month intervention, non-parametric test results showed significant improvement in allassessed variables. We conclude that it is worth and recommendable to continue with similar interventions,including some methodological improvements: a bigger number of families at risk, the waiting list controlgroup, and the inclusion of technical amendments such as joint sessions with children

Funding information

Este artículo ha sido realizado gracias a las ayudas concedidas por la Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa (DG17/04), el Vicerrectorado de Investigación de la UPV/EHU (EHU16/38) y al Grupo Consolidado del Gobierno Vasco “Cultura, Cognición y Emoción” (IT1187-19).
