La ciudad del cuarto de hora, ¿una solución sostenible para la ciudad postCOVID-19?

  1. Nuño Mardones-Fernándezde ValderraMa
  2. José luque-ValdiVia
  3. Izaskun aseguinolaza-Braga
Ciudad y territorio: Estudios territoriales

ISSN: 1133-4762 2659-3254

Year of publication: 2020

Issue: 205

Pages: 653-664

Type: Article

More publications in: Ciudad y territorio: Estudios territoriales


Some of the great cities on our planet have been proposing their transformation in search of a more humane and sustainable city that allows them to face, unequivocally, the new challenges of so-ciety, overcoming the current urban paradigm where private vehicle plays an essential role. To this situ-ation will inevitably be added the consequences that COVID-19 will have in the conception of our society and with it, in our cities. Among the most innovative and interesting proposals present in the urban debate in recent years is the idea of chrono-urbanism and the 15 minutes-city that Anne Hidalgo, current mayor of Paris, included in the program with which she has been re-elected

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