Biological Activity and Nutritional Properties of Processed Onion Products

  1. Roldán Marín, María Eduvigis
Supervised by:
  1. M. Pilar Cano Dolado Director

Defence university: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 27 November 2009

  1. Francisco Abraham Tomás Barberán Chair
  2. Rosa María Esteban Álvarez Secretary
  3. María Pilar Rupérez Antón Committee member
  4. Antonio Jiménez Escrig Committee member
  5. María Isabel Pérez Committee member
  6. Gitte Ravn Haren Committee member
  7. María Dolores Guillén Loren Committee member

Type: Thesis


TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Capítulo 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Capítulo 10 Acompanying papers..........................................IV Preface......................................................V Summary...............................................VII Resumen...............................................IX Abbrevations.................................................XIII General introduction....................................1 Research questions and hypotheses. Objectives...................................27 Preguntas científicas e hipótesis. Objetivos...............................................33 Overview of the experimental work.......................................39 Characterisation of onion (Allium cepa L.) by-products as food ingredients with antioxidant and antibrowning properties' (Paper I)......................51 Onion high-pressure processing: Flavonol content and antioxidant activity' (Paper II)................................................53 Effects of an onion by-product on bioactivity and safety markers in healthy rats' (Paper III)...................................55 An exploratory NMR nutri-metabonomic investigation reveals dimethyl sulfone as a dietary biomarker for onion intake' (Paper IV).....................57 Effects of an onion by-product on plasma lipids and platelet aggregation in healthy rats' (Paper V)....59 General discussion.......................................................61 Conclusions. Future prospects....................................................85 Conclusiones................................................91 References..........................................95 Agradecimientos-Acknowledgements..................................111 III