Merino Pereda
Publications (45) Pilar Merino Pereda publications
Assessing the carbon footprint in dairy cattle farms in the northern temperate region of Spain
Farming System, Vol. 2, Núm. 1
Factors influencing the carbon footprint of milk production on dairy farms with different feeding strategies in western Europe
Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 435
Real time electrochemical ammonia (NH3) sensors performance in a natural ventilation dairy cattle barn
11th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming
Role of livestock-derived amendments in soil organic carbon stocks in forage crops
Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 901
Grassland contribution to soil organic carbon stock under climate change scenarios in Basque Country (Spain)
Regional Environmental Change, Vol. 22, Núm. 1
Rendered Services and Dysservices of Dairy Farming to the Territories: A Bottom-up Approach in European Atlantic Area
Journal of Human, Earth, and Future, Vol. 3, Núm. 3, pp. 396-402
Strategies to mitigate ammonia and nitrous oxide losses across the manure management chain for intensive laying hen farms
Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 803
Ammonia emission modelling and reduced sampling strategies in cage-based laying hen facilities
Biosystems Engineering, Vol. 204, pp. 304-311
Ammonia emission from a manure-belt laying hen facility equipped with an external manure drying tunnel
Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 251
Assessing ventilation rate measurements in a mechanically ventilated laying hen facility
Poultry Science, Vol. 98, Núm. 3, pp. 1211-1221
Ammonia and greenhouse gases losses from mechanically turned cattle manure windrows: A regional composting network
Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 203, pp. 557-563
Strategies for greenhouse gas emissions mitigation in Mediterranean agriculture: A review
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, Vol. 238, pp. 5-24
Ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from an enriched cage laying hen facility
Biosystems Engineering, Vol. 144, pp. 1-12
Murciano-granadina goat performance and methane emission after replacing barley grain with fibrous by-products
PLoS ONE, Vol. 11, Núm. 3
Variación estacional en las emisiones de NH3 en una explotación avícola de puesta
Sustrai: revista agropesquera, Núm. 106, pp. 48-49
Variación estacional en las emisiones de NH3 en una explotación avícola de puesta
Feagas, Núm. 39, pp. 103-104
Ammonia and Greenhouse Gases Emission from On-Farm Stored Pig Slurry
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, Vol. 226, Núm. 9, pp. 1-8
Ammonia and greenhouse gases emission from impermeable covered storage and land application of cattle slurry to bare soil
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, Vol. 199, pp. 261-271
Greenhouse gas fluxes (CO2, N2O and CH4) from forest soils in the Basque Country: Comparison of different tree species and growth stages
Forest Ecology and Management, Vol. 310, pp. 600-611
Use of the inverse abundance approach to identify the sources of NO and N2O release from Spanish forest soils under oxic and hypoxic conditions
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Vol. 57, pp. 451-458