Publicaciones en colaboración con investigadores/as de Universidad de Deusto (39)


  1. Boosting innovativeness in organic farming: the role of external relational capital

    Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. 25, Núm. 1, pp. 143-165


  1. Marketing-specific intellectual capital: conceptualization, scale development and empirical illustration

    Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. 21, Núm. 6, pp. 947-984

  2. Marketing-specific relational capital and product/service innovation performance

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning, ICICKM

  3. The role of Marketers' Knowledge and Motivation in the Generation of Positive Customer Experience

    Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM


  1. Exploring the role of human capital, renewal capital and entrepreneurial capital in innovation performance in high-tech and low-tech firms

    Knowledge Management Research and Practice, Vol. 15, Núm. 3, pp. 369-379

  2. How much does firm-specific intellectual capital vary? Cross-industry and cross-national comparison

    European Journal of International Management, Vol. 11, Núm. 2, pp. 129-152

  3. Knowledge-based HRM practices, organizational learning and innovation performance

    Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM

  4. Knowledge-based human resource management practices, intellectual capital and innovation

    Journal of Business Research, Vol. 81, pp. 11-20

  5. The moderating role of servitization degree in the IC-innovation linkage

    Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM


  1. Structural capital, innovation capability, and company performance in technology-based colombian firms

    Management Letters / Cuadernos de Gestión, Vol. 15, Núm. 1, pp. 39-60