Argitalpenak (104) José Luis Martín González argitalpenak


  1. Multiple current amplifier-based gate driving for parallel operation of discrete SiC MOSFETs

    IET Power Electronics, Vol. 15, Núm. 4, pp. 317-324

  2. The role of power device technology in the electric vehicle powertrain

    International Journal of Energy Research, Vol. 46, Núm. 15, pp. 22222-22265


  1. Ahorro Energético en el sector ferroviario mediente nuevos métodos de Almacenamiento

    UPV/EHUko I. Doktorego Jardunaldiak. Elkarrekin ikertuz.


  1. A novel range-free localization algorithm to turn connectivity traces and motion data into localization information

    Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 20, pp. 36-52

  2. Acquisition of human traces with Bluetooth technology: Challenges and proposals

    Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 12, Núm. 1, pp. 2-16

  3. Nueva Metodología para el Aprendizaje de la Electrónica Digital

    Libro de actas del XI Congreso de tecnologías, aprendizaje y enseñanza de la electrónica, TAEE 2014: 11,12 y 13 de Junio de 2014. Universidad de Deusto. Bilbao

  4. Optimal supercapacitors and batteries combination as an on-board energy storage system in railways

    PCIM Europe Conference Proceedings

  5. Range-free localization algorithm based on connectivity and motion

    Wireless Networks, Vol. 20, Núm. 8, pp. 2287-2305


  1. An overview of ultracapacitors applicability in high power applications

    Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal, Vol. 1, Núm. 11, pp. 619-623

  2. Effective assessment of electric power losses in three-core XLPE cables

    IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 28, Núm. 4, pp. 4488-4495