Publicaciones en las que colabora con María José Aranguren Querejeta (43)


  1. Regional collaboration: The glue that makes innovation happen?

    Creating Collaborative Advantage: Innovation and Knowledge Creation in Regional Economies (Taylor and Francis), pp. 113-122


  1. Reflecting on "how" territorial strategies form: the case of Rafaela, Argentina

    Strategies for shaping territorial competitiveness (Routledge Reino Unido)

  2. Reflecting on 'how' territorial strategies form: The case of Rafaela, Argentina

    Strategies for Shaping Territorial Competitiveness (Taylor and Francis Inc.), pp. 155-171

  3. Territorial strategy: Deepening in the 'how'

    Strategies for Shaping Territorial Competitiveness (Taylor and Francis Inc.), pp. 55-72

  4. Territorial strategy: deepening in the "how"

    Strategies for shaping territorial competitiveness (Routledge Reino Unido)


  1. Diagnóstico de innovación para las empresas en redes territoriales: reflexiones para la acción

    Orkestra-Instituto Vasco de Competitividad

  2. The development of action research processes and their impacts on socio-economic development in the Basque Country

    Leadership and cooperation in academia: reflecting on the roles and responsibilities of university faculty and management (Edward Elgar)

  3. The development of action research processes and their impacts on socio-economic development in the Basque country

    Leadership and Cooperation in Academia: Reflecting on the Roles and Responsibilities of University Faculty and Management (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.), pp. 216-233


  1. Academia and public policy: Towards the co-generation of knowledge and learning processes

    Interactive learning for innovation: A key driver within clusters and innovation systems (Palgrave Macmillan Reino Unido), pp. 275-289

  2. Bridging the Gap between Academic Research and Regional Development in the Basque Country

    European Journal of Education, Vol. 47, Núm. 1, pp. 122-138

  3. Firm heterogeneity and trajectories of learning: Applications and relevant policy implications

    Interactive learning for innovation: A key driver within clusters and innovation systems (Palgrave Macmillan Reino Unido), pp. 181-205

  4. New Policy Approaches to Develop Innovative Territories: Developing Trust and Behavioral Additionality in Gipuzkoa

    Innovation, global change and territorial resilience (Edward Elgar), pp. 150-165

  5. New policy approaches to develop innovative territories: Developing trust and behavioral additionality in Gipuzkoa

    Innovation, Global Change and Territorial Resilience (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.), pp. 150-165