Publicacións nas que colabora con Jon Barrutia Guenaga (7)


  1. What prevents PROS from making KNOTS? Evidence for nano-researchers

    Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Vol. 30, Núm. 7, pp. 793-810


  1. Dinámicas epigenéticas y su impacto sobre el territorio: el caso del cooperativismo vasco

    Ekonomiaz: Revista vasca de economía, Núm. 90, pp. 162-195

  2. Dynamics of big internet industry groups and future trends: A view from epigenetic economics

    Springer International Publishing, pp. 1-254

  3. Epigenetic economics dynamics in the internet ecosystem

    Dynamics of Big Internet Industry Groups and Future Trends: A View from Epigenetic Economics (Springer International Publishing), pp. 53-126

  4. Introducing an epigenetic approach for the study of internet industry groups

    Dynamics of Big Internet Industry Groups and Future Trends: A View from Epigenetic Economics (Springer International Publishing), pp. 13-52

  5. Introduction

    Dynamics of Big Internet Industry Groups and Future Trends: A View from Epigenetic Economics (Springer International Publishing), pp. 1-11

  6. Scope and limitations of the epigenetic analogy: An application to the digital world

    Dynamics of Big Internet Industry Groups and Future Trends: A View from Epigenetic Economics (Springer International Publishing), pp. 243-254