Emakumeekiko sexismo maila osasun arloko profesional eta ikasleenganlehen hurbilketa
- Olatz Goñi-Balentziaga
- Jone Aliri
- Sara Prego-Jimenez
- Eva Pereda-Pereda
- Joana Pérez-Tejada
- Ainitze Labaka
- Olatz Arbelaitz (coord.)
- Ainhoa Latatu (coord.)
- Miren Josu Omaetxebarria (coord.)
- Blanca Urgell (coord.)
Publisher: Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea, UEU = Universidad Vasca de Verano
ISBN: 978-84-8438-789-3
Year of publication: 2021
Pages: 37-43
Congress: Ikergazte. Nazioarteko Ikerketa Euskaraz (4. 2021. null)
Type: Conference paper
Sexism towards women in health professionals and students impacts on medical care, producinggender biases. The shortened version of ASI scale is an appropriate method to measure the level ofsexism toward women. Thus, 89 health professionals and students were evaluated with this scale toobtain information about their level of sexism towards women and compare it with the generalpopulation. The psychometric analyses indicate that the scale is appropriate to measure the twodimensions that constitute ambivalent sexism, hostile and benevolent sexism. Lower levels of sexismtowards women have been found in this sample of health field in comparison to general population,although it must be analyzed in a wider sample.