The exploration of the potential mechanism of oxymatrine-mediated antipruritic effect based on network pharmacology and weighted gene co-expression network analysis

  1. Luo, Z.
  2. Zhao, T.
  3. Yi, M.
  4. Wang, T.
  5. Zhang, Z.
  6. Li, W.
  7. Lin, N.
  8. Liang, S.
  9. Verkhratsky, A.
  10. Nie, H.
Frontiers in Pharmacology

ISSN: 1663-9812

Argitalpen urtea: 2022

Alea: 13

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.3389/FPHAR.2022.946602 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openSarbide irekia editor