La innovación en las pymes de Euskadianálisis y reflexión a partir de la encuesta de innovación

  1. Maddalen Alkorta
  2. Aitziber Elola
  3. James R. Wilson

Publisher: Orkestra-Instituto Vasco de Competitividad

Year of publication: 2024

Type: Book


This report explores the main characteristics of Basque SMEs with respect to innovation, aiming to better understand why the Basque Country ranks worse in some SME innovation indicators compared to the EU-27 and Germany. Using data from Eustat and Eurostat innovation surveys, descriptive analyses are presented on various aspects of innovation in SMEs in the Basque Country and comparison territories. These analyses are complemented by examining the interrelationships between indicators (correlations and regressions) using Eustat microdata. Finally, the report concludes by presenting the main findings from the study and offering some reflections based on these results.