Correlating gas permeability and morphology of bio-based polyether-block-amide copolymer membranes by IR nanospectroscopy

  1. David, O.
  2. Etxeberria Benavides, M.
  3. Amenabar Altuna, I.
  4. Fernandez Carretero, F.J.
  5. Diaz De Guereñu Zabarte, M.D.M.
  6. Flat, J.J.
  7. Pineau, Q.
  8. Goikoetxea Larruskain, M.
  9. Hillenbrand, R.
Journal of Membrane Science

ISSN: 1873-3123 0376-7388

Argitalpen urtea: 2024

Alea: 708

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.1016/J.MEMSCI.2024.123001 GOOGLE SCHOLAR