From gameplay to heartplaythe importance of affective AI in transforming the video game industry and player experience

  1. Ricardo Fernández-Rafae
  2. Macarena Cuenca-Amigo
  3. Alazne Mujika-Alberdi
Entre pantallas y realidades: una travesía por el universo audiovisual
  1. Javier Sierra Sánchez (coord.)
  2. Sheila Liberal Ormaechea (coord.)

Editorial: McGraw Hill España

ISBN: 9788448645328

Año de publicación: 2024

Páginas: 67-84

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro


This paper explores the transformative role of Affective Ariificial lntell igence (Al ) in the video gaming industry , emphasizing its impact on player engagement and experience personalization. Employing a literature review methodology. we analyze key advancements in Affective Al, focusing on technologies that interpret and respond to player emotions through biofeedbacl\ mechanisms, emotional intelligence in Al characters , and emotionally resonant game design. Our findings highlight the potential of Affective Al to significantly enhance player experiences by facilitating more immersive and personalized interactions. However, while Affective Al promises substantial benefits in user engagement and game personalization, it also presents ethical challenges, such as privacy concerns and the \ of emoti onal manipulation, necessitating careful consideration as tl1e techno logy advances. The integration of Affective Al in video games represents a potential paradigm shift, offering a future where games not only entertain but also empathetically interact with players, fundamentally transforming the landscape of digital entertainment.