Estrategias nutricionales para reducir las emisiones de metano de origen entérico en vacuno lecheroutilización del quitosano y de la torta de lino prensada en frío
- Jagoba Rey
- Aser Garcia Rodriguez Director
Defence university: Universidad Pública de Navarra
Fecha de defensa: 22 April 2024
Type: Thesis
Enteric methane emissions pose a serious problem for ruminant production and environmental sustainability. To mitigate methane emissions, research efforts have been combined into animal management, feeding and genetic improvement strategies. However, to assess the effect of any nutritional strategy on enteric methane emissions at farm level methodologies that allow to do need to be implemented. From here, the general objective of this Thesis has been to investigate different nutritional strategies potentially capable of reducing the production of CH4 of enteric origin in dairy cows. The specific objectives were: 1- compare two large-scale non-invasive methods to measure CH4: non-dispersive infrared methane analyzer (NDIR) and the portable laser methane detector (LMD), 2- expand the knowledge on the activity and mode of action of chitosan (CHI) on methanogenesis and rumen microbial populations in vivo and 3- describe the effects of dietary supplementation with cold-pressed linseed cake (CPL) on productive aspects, methanogenesis and rumen microbial populations in vivo.