Efecto de la utilización de torta de colza obtenida mediante prensado en frío sobre la digestibilidad de la dieta de terneros de cebo intensivo y la emisión de metano en fermentadores rusitec

  1. H. Benhissi 1
  2. A. Garcia Rodriguez 1
  3. I. Beltrán de Heredia 1
  1. 1 Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario

    Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario

    Derio, España

    ROR 03rf31e64

XV Jornadas sobre Producción Animal: 14 y 15 de mayo de 2013, Zaragoza
  1. Jorge Hugo Calvo Lacosta
  2. Isabel Casasús Pueyo
  3. Margalida Joy Torrens
  4. Javier Álvarez Rodríguez
  5. Luis Varona Aguado
  6. Begoña Panea Doblao
  7. Carlos Calvete Margolles
  8. Joaquim Balcells Teres

Editorial: Asociación Interprofesional para el Desarrollo Agrario

ISBN: 978-84-695-7684-7 978-84-695-7684-7

Año de publicación: 2013

Volumen: 1

Páginas: 279-281

Congreso: Jornadas sobre producción animal (15. 2013. Zaragoza)

Tipo: Aportación congreso


The objective of this study was to investigate, in beef cattle, the impact of the use of rapeseed cake obtained by cold pressing, on the digestibility of the dry matter and the in vitro emission of methane. The experiment was carried out using the rumen simulation technique (RUSITEC), including two treatments: control (concentrate without rapeseed cake + barley straw) and rapeseed (concentrate with rapeseed cake + barley straw). The diets used were formulated following the nutritional needs of fattened Limousine steers, with 400 kg of live weight and 1500 g of daily weight gain. Each treatment was incubated in two digesters. The incubation experiment consisted of a 7 days of adaptation followed by a 3 days of sampling. The inclusion of 15% of rapeseed cake in the diet of fattened steers did not affect either the dry matter disappearance (78.4 vs. 78.2 %; P=0.958), the total gas production (2.6 vs. 2.5 l/day; P=0.556), or the daily methane emission (38.0 vs 36.7 ml/day; P=0.589). In conclusion, cold-pressed rapeseed cakes did not affect dry matter disappearance, the total gas production or the daily methane emission