The Resilient Dairy Genome Project-A general overview of methods and objectives related to feed efficiency and methane emissions

  1. van Staaveren, N.
  2. Rojas de Oliveira, H.
  3. Houlahan, K.
  4. Chud, T.C.S.
  5. Oliveira, G.A.
  6. Hailemariam, D.
  7. Kistemaker, G.
  8. Miglior, F.
  9. Plastow, G.
  10. Schenkel, F.S.
  11. Cerri, R.
  12. Sirard, M.A.
  13. Stothard, P.
  14. Pryce, J.
  15. Butty, A.
  16. Stratz, P.
  17. Abdalla, E.A.E.
  18. Segelke, D.
  19. Stamer, E.
  20. Thaller, G.
  21. Lassen, J.
  22. Manzanilla-Pech, C.I.V.
  23. Stephansen, R.B.
  24. Charfeddine, N.
  25. García-Rodríguez, A.
  26. González-Recio, O.
  27. López-Paredes, J.
  28. Baldwin, R.
  29. Burchard, J.
  30. Parker Gaddis, K.L.
  31. Koltes, J.E.
  32. Peñagaricano, F.
  33. Santos, J.E.P.
  34. Tempelman, R.J.
  35. VandeHaar, M.
  36. Weigel, K.
  37. White, H.
  38. Baes, C.F.
  39. Erakutsi egile guztiak +
Journal of dairy science

ISSN: 1525-3198

Argitalpen urtea: 2024

Alea: 107

Zenbakia: 3

Orrialdeak: 1510-1522

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.3168/JDS.2022-22951 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openSarbide irekia editor