Design and characterization of polymeric materials for their application as electrolytes in fuel cells

Supervised by:
  1. Amparo Ribes Greus Director

Defence university: Universitat Politècnica de València

Fecha de defensa: 26 July 2023

  1. Arantxa Eceiza Mendiguren Chair
  2. Julio Martos Torres Secretary
  3. Anna Igual Muñoz Committee member

Type: Thesis


Hydrogen or bioalcohol fuel cells are a promising technology for clean and efficient energy generation in the current attempt to reverse the severe effects caused by climate change. However, in order to achieve its general use, this technology must be optimized. Specifically, the proton exchange membrane is a crucial component to improve your overall performance. This line of research, among others, is included in most of the current national and European strategic lines with the aim of implementing these sustainable energy production systems in the near future. In this doctoral thesis, a robust and reliable procedure is presented that allows the design of proton exchange membranes through the characterization and analysis of various polymeric materials with the intention of predicting their behaviour under operating conditions. In this sense, four different types of microstructures are analysed. In Chapter 4, two series of membranes based on sulfonated block copolymers of styrene-ethylene-butylene-styrene (SEBS) are discussed. The microstructure has been adjusted for its suitability in fuel cell applications. Subsequently, a sulfonation, UV photocrosslinking, and hybridization process are applied to the samples. In Chapter 5, a series of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) membranes suitably modified for their suitability as proton exchange membranes in direct methanol fuel cells (DMFC) are discussed. The analysis focuses on whether crosslinking and sulfonation using SSA improve stability and increase proton conduction in the PVA structure as initially expected. In addition, the effect of the addition of graphene oxide (GO) on the dielectric spectra, and proton conductivity is evaluated. In Chapter 6 two series of membranes based on copolymers of poly (epichlorohydrin) (PECH) and poly (epichlorohydrin-co-ethylene oxide) (PECH-co-EO) are analysed. Both membranes are modified with 3,4,5-tris[4-(n-dodecan-1-yloxy)benzyloxy]benzoate units. The analysis focuses on the ability of these membranes to form channels, promoted by thermal orientation, which improves the charge transfer mechanisms and the proton conductivity. In Chapter 7, the analysis of a membrane synthesized from a covalent adaptive network (CAN) is performed. The most important characteristic of this type of polymer is the presence of reversible bonds in the structure that allows them to display physical properties such as self-healing, weldability, and recyclability. These properties could improve the life cycle of proton exchange membranes. The analysis carried out includes an evaluation of the two most important temperatures from the viscoelastic point of view, that is, the glass transition Tg and the freezing transition temperature of the topology Tv, and their impact on the proton conductivity. As a result of this study, a methodology is developed to analyse various polymeric membranes with different microstructures by means of Dielectric Thermal Analysis (DETA). Consequently, the study of the dielectric properties, in terms of the complex permittivity (ε*), together with the analysis of the complex conductivity (σ*), allows us to obtain information on the molecular dynamics that efficiently favour the charge transfer mechanisms. The proton conductivity (σprot) will be estimated from the dielectric data, which will allow the evaluation of the tested polymeric membranes for their application as proton exchange membranes. Consequently, the functioning of proton exchange membranes can be optimized, and their massive implementation is promoted.