Finding and Fixing Traps in II-VI and III-V Colloidal Quantum Dots: The Importance of Z-Type Ligand Passivation

  1. Kirkwood, N.
  2. Monchen, J.O.V.
  3. Crisp, R.W.
  4. Grimaldi, G.
  5. Bergstein, H.A.C.
  6. Du Fossé, I.
  7. Van Der Stam, W.
  8. Infante, I.
  9. Houtepen, A.J.
Journal of the American Chemical Society

ISSN: 1520-5126 0002-7863

Argitalpen urtea: 2018

Alea: 140

Zenbakia: 46

Orrialdeak: 15712-15723

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.1021/JACS.8B07783 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openSarbide irekia editor

Garapen Iraunkorreko Helburuak