Survey on antiphospholipid syndrome diagnosis and antithrombotic treatment in patients with ischemic stroke, other brain ischemic injury, or arterial thromboembolism in other sites: communication from ISTH SSC Subcommittee on Lupus Anticoagulant/Antiphospholipid Antibodies

  1. Cohen, H.
  2. Werring, D.J.
  3. Chandratheva, A.
  4. Mittal, P.
  5. Devreese, K.M.J.
  6. Isenberg, D.A.
  7. Amoura, Z.
  8. Andrade, D.
  9. Baccouche, H.
  10. Baldwin, N.
  11. Baysal, M.
  12. Belmont, H.M.
  13. Bertolaccini, M.L.
  14. Billett, H.
  15. Cervera, R.
  16. Cotelli, M.S.
  17. Crowther, M.
  18. Devreese, K.
  19. Dounaevskaia, V.
  20. Doyle, A.J.
  21. Barros Duran, L.F.
  22. Engelbrecht, S.
  23. Efthymiou, M.
  24. Erkan, D.
  25. Gatt, A.
  26. Gebhart, J.
  27. Harkness, K.
  28. Hemelsoet, D.
  29. Hoirisch-Clapauch, S.
  30. Inanc, M.
  31. Isenberg, D.
  32. Iturre, M.V.
  33. Kalladka, D.
  34. Kamphuisen, P.W.
  35. Kartsios, C.
  36. Khamashta, M.
  37. Kouides, P.A.
  38. Levine, S.R.
  39. Limper, M.
  40. Luchtman-Jones, L.
  41. Maclean, R.
  42. Mitchell, C.
  43. Moll, R.
  44. Molnar, S.
  45. Moyer, G.C.
  46. Muñoz Muñoz, C.
  47. Murphy, S.
  48. Nwagha, T.
  49. Orsi, F.A.
  50. Pardos-Gea, J.
  51. Pengo, V.
  52. Prabu, A.
  53. Rahman, A.
  54. Roberts, L.N.
  55. Ruiz-Irastorza, G.
  56. Sayar, Z.
  57. Schulman, S.
  58. Sciascia, S.
  59. Siguret, V.
  60. The, L.-S.
  61. Tohodi-Esfahani, I.
  62. Uthman, I.
  63. Vanhooren, G.
  64. Werring, D.
  65. Willis, R.
  66. Yang, C.
  67. Yee, C.-S.
  68. Erakutsi egile guztiak +
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis

ISSN: 1538-7836 1538-7933

Argitalpen urtea: 2023

Alea: 21

Zenbakia: 10

Orrialdeak: 2963-2976

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.1016/J.JTHA.2023.06.020 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

Garapen Iraunkorreko Helburuak