Creando escuelas sostenibles en Uganda

  1. Iker Mijangos
  2. Juan Jesús Anduaga
  3. Carlos Garbisu
Revista Forum de Sostenibilidad = Forum Iraunkortasun aldizkaria = Sustainability Forum journal

ISSN: 1887-9810

Year of publication: 2017

Issue: 8

Pages: 161-170

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Forum de Sostenibilidad = Forum Iraunkortasun aldizkaria = Sustainability Forum journal


The main objective of this project is to improve hygienic, feeding and education conditions of children in six schools in Uganda. Thus, we collaborate with a local NGO called Cape of Good Hope Orphan Care (COGHOC) in the installation of Ecosan type dry latrines, rain water collection tanks, school gardens, pig breeding and ckicken coops at each school. Students take part in all these activities, completing a sustainable production cycle which improves their living conditions at school and consequently their attendance to class. At the same time, they learn sustainable agronomic techniques and personal hygiene practices. Besides, some the income obtained help to the incorporation of new children whose families can not afford to pay school fees. Thanks to a kind of scholarship system, 258 new students were enrolled last school year 2016- 2017 from a total of 1903students who are presently getting profits from this project that we started in 2010 with just one school and 313 kids. This work tries to make visible the efforts of everyone (students, teachers and volunteers) who have been hardly working since the beginning of the project at the same time we ask for new support to spread these activities to new schools.