Ciudad histórica y desarrollola compleja noción de paisajes urbanos históricos

  1. Arturo Azpeitia Santander 1
  2. Agustín Azkarate Garai-Olaun 1
  1. 1 CIEA Vitoria-Gasteiz.
Ciudades creativas. IV Congreso Internacional. Tomos I y II
  1. García García, Francisco (coord.)
  2. García Guardia, María Luisa (coord.)
  3. Taborda Hernández, Ernesto (coord.)

Publisher: Madrid: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2016

Year of publication: 2016

Tome: 1

Volume: 1

Pages: 84-96

Congress: Congreso Internacional Ciudades Creativas (4. 2016. Madrid)

Type: Conference paper


Historic cities shape a spatial and temporaldynamic set in which the contributions of the past,present and future are integrated. The emergence of thenotion of historic urban landscapes in the field of urbanconservation promotes a holistic management of the urbanarea understood as a global socio-systemic process thatintegrates all affected territorial factors (environmental,landscape, economic and social) through different heritageaspects (material, intangible, natural and cultural).With good planning, urban heritage is a sustainablekey resource that should be promoted and developedwithin the existing territorial competitiveness in a contextmarked by the increased rivalry between cities. However,the economic pressures from the reality of contemporaryglobalized world pose a serious threat to its protection andsafeguarding making this new comprehensive approach isnot without risk. What should be the limits of acceptablechange in the historic urban landscapes?, how to bringthis new systemic and transversal concept to the currentregulatory framework in order to get a real legal protectionand effective governance models in urban areas?These, along with many other questions, make thework of the professionals in charge of urban conservationmore challenging in their aim to establish a sustainabledialogue to clear the complex equation between historicalcity and development.