Identification of animal species housed and herding practices in ancient sediments from the Vallone Inferno rock-shelter (Scillato, Sicily, Italy) using faecal biomarkers, hormones, and their metabolites
- Vallejo, A.
- Forgia, V.
- Vergès, J.M.
- Gorostizu-Orkaiztegi, A.
- Alday-Izaguirre, A.
- Elejaga-Jimeno, A.
- Sampedro, M.C.
- Sánchez-Ortega, A.
- Barrio, R.J.
ISSN: 1040-6182
Argitalpen urtea: 2024
Zenbakien izenburua: Shepherds and Animal Husbandry, Origins, and Development: New Theoretical and Methodological Approaches
Alea: 683-684
Orrialdeak: 123-134
Mota: Artikulua