Detección de cambios recientes en la costa vasca mediante ortofotografía

  1. Chust Peters, Guillem
  2. Galparsoro, Ibon
  3. Borja Yerro, Ángel
  4. Franco, Javier
  5. Beltrán, Beatriz
  6. Uriarte, Adolfo
Lurralde: Investigación y espacio

ISSN: 0211-5891

Year of publication: 2007

Issue: 30

Pages: 59-72

Type: Article

More publications in: Lurralde: Investigación y espacio


The continuous degradation of natural habitats is specially severe in the coastal fringe, as a consequence of urbanization and the increase of demographic pressure. The objective of this contribution is to analyse recent changes in the coast of the Basque Country (northern Spain) through the comparison of ortophotography of years 2002 and 2004, at 0.25 m spatial resolution. Habitat identification, following the EUNIS classification from the European Environmental Agency, comprises the supralittoral and intertidal zones, and the infralittoral zone (until 5 metres water depth), including also estuaries and saltmarshes. The main changes in the coast during this period are 32,3 ha of artificial zone claimed to the sea, the increasing of 18,9 ha in grey dunes and dry beaches and the increase of 9,9 ha in saltmarshes. Conversely, the loss of 24,8 ha in intertidal sand and of 31,6 ha in transitional waters, was detected. These changes are caused mainly by harbour construction and by saltmarsh and dune system regeneration programmes. The results obtained here show the rapid artificialization of land in the narrow and fragile fringe of the Basque littoral.

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