Optical phonons in CdS nanocrystals: Effects of size, shape and packing density

  1. Rolo, AG
  2. Vasilevskiy, MI
  3. Gomes, MJM
  4. Vikhrova, OV
  5. Rakovich, YP
  6. Artemyev, MV
Book Series:
  1. Moss, SC (coord.)
  2. Ila, D (coord.)
  3. Lee, HWH (coord.)
  4. Norris, DJ (coord.)

ISSN: 0272-9172

ISBN: 1-55899-478-5

Year of publication: 2000

Volume: 571

Pages: 217-222

Congress: Symposium on Semiconductor Quantum Dots held at the 1999 MRS Spring Meeting

Type: Conference paper