Relevancia de la formación docente para la inclusión educativa del alumnado con altas capacidades intelectuales

  1. Lucía Barrenetxea-Mínguez 1
  2. Miryam Martínez-Izaguirre 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Deusto

    Universidad de Deusto

    Bilbao, España


Atenas: revista científico pedagógica

ISSN: 1682-2749

Year of publication: 2020

Issue Title: La educación y la escuela inclusiva

Volume: 1

Issue: 49

Pages: 1-19

Type: Article

More publications in: Atenas: revista científico pedagógica


The present work aims to make visible the lack of educational inclusion faced by gifted students in schools. The scientific evidence has shown ignorance of the educational needs that gifted children have. Moreover, there is a lack regarding the adjustment of the education intervention taking into account their characteristics; the lack of educational opportunities limits their full development and well-being, as well as their contribution to social development. Therefore, the convenience of measures that guarantee a personalized education that enhances their talents and attends their weaknesses is analysed. The limited knowledge of teachers about this reality, together with the prevalence of myths and false beliefs, harms their detection, the implementation of effective and inclusive educational responses, and the social-emotional development of this student body. For this reason, the initial and permanent training of teachers is proposed as an urgent measure to meet the educational support needs of studentswith high intellectual capacity. The scientific community agree that teacher training has several positive effects. It promotes equitable and inclusive attitudes and educational measures; it facilitates early identification and, it advocates respect to the learning styles and ways of being of these learners. Thus, teachers' professional development stimulates gifted student's potential and cultivates their emotional well-being and the development of an adjusted concept of themselves.