Diseño e implementación de la herramienta DAP 360º para la evaluación del riesgo y desprotección en la infancia y adolescencia

  1. Carbonell, Ángela
  2. Georgieva, Sylvia
  3. Fernández, Irene
  4. Navarro-Pérez, José-Javier
  5. Samper, Paula
  6. Tomás Miguel, Jose Manuel
Alternativas: Cuadernos de Trabajo Social

ISSN: 1133-0473 1989-9971

Argitalpen urtea: 2023

Zenbakia: 30

Orrialdeak: 53-80

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.14198/ALTERN.21964 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openRUA editor

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Alternativas: Cuadernos de Trabajo Social


Introduction. Child maltreatment is a worldwide prob- lem with serious consequences that can last a lifetime. It is essential to efficiently detect and assess child maltreatment to optimise professional decision-mak- ing processes. Nonetheless, the decentralisation of services, a lack of scientific and objective rigour in diagnoses together with partial and disrupted assess- ments can hinder the adoption of effective protection measures. Aim. The objective of this study was to present the design and content validation process of the DAP 360º, a tool designed to complement profes- sional assessment and declaration of risk/vulnerability in childhood and adolescence. Methodology. The study applied scale development design and included three main steps: item construction, theoretical anal- ysis, and psychometric assessment. We combined qualitative and quantitative techniques. More than 300 professionals and experts working in different child and adolescent care services in the Valencian Community participated in this process. Results. DAP 360º is a modular tool structured into two main sections, 15 dimensions, and 97 risk and protection indicators. This tool allows professionals to establish a complete diagnosis of all risk and protection areas of children and adolescents. It is a rigorous, consist- ent, and reliable instrument for the assessment of risk situations in childhood and adolescence. It allows the identification of the severity ranges of the situations faced by the child/adolescent and the unification of the different areas ranging from risk to vulnerability. Additionally, the tool contemplates protective fac- tors that could compensate risks. DAP 360º brings together, via a software tool, the assessment of risk and/or vulnerability in childhood and adolescence, the real-time coordination of professionals and insti- tutions, the establishment of ranges of severity – as it balances protective and risk factors in the diagnosis –, and links intervention objectives with the responsible services and resources. Conclusions. The construction of valid and reliable assessment instruments promotes faster diagnostic processes, allows to invest in preven- tion, and warrants more objective decision making, fostering a better coordination among professionals, resources and intervention levels. Moreover, efficient risk and vulnerability detection and assessment in childhood and adolescence permits better structuring of interventions, case reassessments, and the devel- opment of successful action plans according to each specific case. The assessment by different profession- als in real time is a determinant factor, given that it allows designing interventions in line with manifested capabilities and shortfalls. The effects on the quality of life and well-being of children and adolescents, as well as of their families will be significant.

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