Spectrum shaping of paired photos

  1. Juan Pérez Torres Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Fecha de defensa: 2010(e)ko martxoa-(a)k 05

  1. Ramón Corbalan Yuste Presidentea
  2. Víctor Federico Dios Otín Idazkaria
  3. Shao-Ming Fei Kidea
  4. Gabriel Molina Terriza Kidea
  5. Alfred Uren Kidea

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 289159 DIALNET


One 01 the main objectives of quantum optiCS is to prepare quantum light sources 'Nith the characteristics required lor various quantum optica ppllcallons. Pure single photons and entangled paired photons are two of the most 'Nidely used types of quantum tight. Single photons In a pure, well ellned quantum state may prove to be the building blocks lor future quantum technologies. These technologies promise enormous improvements ove heir ctasslcal counterparts In terms of speed or security. For eICample, in quantum inlormation processing, single photons may be used in quanturT ogic gales, playing the role of electrons in current electric circuits. Although light is all around us In all possible colors, polarizations and intensities, it I ICtremely difficult to get a single photon In a pure quantum state. On the other hand, 11 is relallvely easy to produce pairs of photons, and pure singl horons can be obtained from a two-photon source in a heralded way. Thus, generatlng paired photons with desired photonic properties becomes o'nE pf the cruciattasks in the research area 01 quantum optics and related applications. rrhe process of spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) is one 01 the most convenient ways to produce pairs 01 photons. In SPDC, a strons ump laser beam Is shone on a nonlinear crystal. Occasionally, a pump photon disappears and two new photons with lower energy are create imultaneously. The production of photon paIrs In the nonlinear crystal is probabilistic and the fact that the two photons are produced simultaneously I n advantage. The two photons can be taken apart and one 01 them can be used as a trigger 10 indicate (herald) the presence of the olher, thereb elllng us when a photon is ready to be used. These pairs of photons have special types 01 correlation In their color (frequency), in theIr spatial shape ndIor In Iheir polarization. For many applications, such as quantum cryptography, these types of correlation may be useful, but at the moment 0 enerating pure Single photons they are detrimental since they diminish the purity of the single photon. In this thesis, we are interested in the frequency properties 01 SPDC pairs of photons. and our main goal Is 10 demonstrate new methods 10 contre hese properties. The frequency properties ollhe photon pairs are described by its joint spectrum, which contains the information of the bandwidth, th wavalorm and the type of frequency correlation possessed by the two photons. n the first part of our work, two new toolklts are added to the current toolbox to manipulate the joint spectrum of photon pairs. One tool is called " pulse ronHill' technique. This technique is based on the appropriate Introduction of angular dispersion into the interacting waves. The feasibitity of thi method is demonstrated by observing a sevenfold increase of the band"";dth of photon pairs. The corresponding experiment has been accomplished b dding angular dispersion into a coItinear SPDC geometry, where the interacting waves propagate at the same direction. Also, we discuss Ih mplicalion 01 this method lor the generation 01 narrow temporal Fourier transform limited btphotons, and paired photons 'Nith high degree 0 ntangtement. The second tool is called " spatial-to·spectral' mapping technique. This technique takes eHec! in a noncoUinear geomelry, in which caSE he pump beam and the down-<:onverted paired photons propagate at different directions. With this situatton, the spatial features of the pump beam 'Nil ~ Imprinted inlo the lrequency distribution 01 the new created photon pairs. We eICperimenlalty prove this method by shaping the waveform, and tunin he types ollrequency correlation 01 the dO'M'l-converted two photons. n addition, we propose a new scheme to fully control the Joint spectrum ollhe pholon pairs by combining the above two discussed techniques. In thi proposal, angular dispersion is introduced into a noncollinear SPDC geometry. This opens a new way to obtain pure single photons 'Nith tunabl band'Nidth. Another topic discussed in this thesis is the exploration of more compact quantum light sources 'Nith versatile characteristics. We describe an SPDC !WO-photon source by using Brag9 reflection wavegulde (BAW) in AI .Gah. As material as down-converting material. Here, the nonlinear proces happens between a pump beam in 8 Bragg refleclion wavegulde mode, and down-converted photon pairs in total internal rellection (TtA) mode. Th ~aveguide dispersion properties can be largely modified by implementing different ridge sizes. and this allows the described monolithic source 10 oHe Ignificant control over the process band'Nidth. We numerically demonstrate the possibility 01 tuning the bandwidth 01 the photon pairs between 1 n~ nd 450 nm with the same waler structure. The results presented in this part have been obtained as a result 01 the collaboration "";th Prol. Amr S. Helmy and his PhD student Payam Abolghasem from University of Toronto. In particular, the programs used lor the presented simulations have bee developed by the University of Toronto leam. o summarize, In this thesis, we add new elements to the current ways 01 engineering quantum light sources. Two readily be used methods to enginee he spectrum of the photon pairs are presented. Particularly, new routes are provided to get pure heralded single photons and narrow tempora biphoton. In addil!on, a compact monolithic two-photon source "";th tunable bandwidth control Is Investigated, which could be very promIsing for furthe pOrlormance of various quantum applications towards reality. Uoc I data Barcelona, 2009·11-16 Signature