Análisis del efecto terapéutico y los mecanismos moleculares inducidos por vectores virales que expresan el factor de crecimiento similar a la insulina de tipo i (igf-i) en el tratamiento de la cirrosis hepática

  1. Sobrevals, Luciano Matías
Supervised by:
  1. Purificación Fortes Director

Defence university: Universidad de Navarra

Fecha de defensa: 23 October 2009

  1. Ignacio Torres Alemán Chair
  2. Gloria González Aseguinolaza Secretary
  3. Cristina Fillat Fonts Committee member
  4. Ramón Bataller Alberola Committee member
  5. Jorge Augusto Quiroga Vilas Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 107412 DIALNET


Previous studies have demostrated that the administration of recombinant IGF-I protein is effective in the treatment of liver cirrhosis. However, the short half life of IGF-I in serum and the high price of recombinant IGF-I protein production, make this treatment exceedingly costly. Therefore, we have analyzed the therapeutic effect in liver cirrhosis of IGF-I gene transfer using viral vectors. We have used recombinant viral vectors expressing rat IGF-I based on simian virus 40 (rSVIGF-I) or adeno-associated vectors (rAAVIGF-I). We have inyected these vectors before or after cirrhosis induction in rats. Cirrhosis has been developed by intragastric administration of CCl4. Both pretreatment and treatment of liver cirrhosis with rSVIGF-I or rAAVIGF-I induced a curative process that resulted in improved liver functionality and decreased liver fibrosis. This therapeutic effect seems mediated by the IGF-I-dependent induction of cytoprotective and antifibrogenic molecules and the inhibition of profibrogenic factors. Thus, IGF-I expression reprograms the liver from a ¿scar formation¿ program, which leads to cirrhosis, to a ¿tissue repair¿ circuit that favours cirrhosis regression. Surprisingly, therapy was less efficient when rSVIGF-I or high doses of AAVIGF-I were used. None of the vectors showed toxic effects in cirrhotic or healthy animals. The therapeutic effects observed with low doses of AAV vectors expressing IGF-I allows us to suggest that these vectors could base a useful therapy for patients that deteriorate in the waiting list for liver transplantation or for those patients non-suitable for liver transplant.