Youtubersidentificación y motivos de agrado de la audiencia

  1. Oihane Korres Alonso 1
  2. Iciar Elexpuru-Albizuri 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Deusto, España

ISSN: 1697-8293

Year of publication: 2022

Issue Title: Niños y jóvenes ante los dispositivos: Nuevos fenómenos comunicativos y nuevos creadores de producto

Volume: 20

Issue: 1

Type: Article

DOI: 10.7195/RI14.V20I1.1761 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Icono14

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Nowadays, youtubers have become role models, especially for young people. This article examines the interactions of the followers of successful Spanish youtubers in terms of comment and topic, identification, and reasons for liking them. For this purpose, audience comments on the videos of 10 successful Spanish youtubers were analysed, selected from an exploratory study based on the following criteria: influencers active on YouTube and Instagram, age (18-30 years), sexual orientation, notoriety (between 200,000 and 34 million on the YouTube channel) and thematic variety of their channel. Through content analysis of 1000 comments, the arguments and common elements provided by the followers have been identified. The results show, on one hand, that a relevant category is identification with youtubers, expressly, aspirational identification and similarity with influencers, and, on the other hand, that followers value, especially, the humour and personality of the youtuber, followed by the physical attractiveness, and, to a lesser extent, the intelligence and wealth/success. The interest in further research into the impact of influencers on the education of young people is underlined, both through the analysis of the messages and representations transmitted, as well as their reception and interpretation.

Funding information

This study forms part of a broader investigation entitled “Building gender identities, values and youth stereotypes in social media: influencers and the millennial and centennial audiences”, financed by the Centro Reina Sofía (2018 call)1. This research has been implemented in three phases:


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