Factores protectores y de riesgo asociados a las conductas delictivas en adolescentesuna revisión sistemática

  1. Omar Elias Torrado Duarte
  2. Adela Hernández Galván
  3. Esther Calvete Zumalde
  4. Edward Leonel Prada Sarmiento

ISSN: 1794-3108

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 63

Issue: 1

Pages: 105-122

Type: Article

More publications in: Criminalidad


Abstract Juvenile crime implies a population exempt from full legal responsibilities performing behaviors defined as a crime according to a legal framework. Due to the biological, cognitive and social changes that coalesce during adolescence, it is necessary to enrich the theoretical context of the variables that influence the appearance of these criminal behaviors during this vital period from a psychological perspective. For this reason, this study's objective was to describe the risk and protective factors of demonstrating criminal behaviors during adolescence. The developed method consisted of a systematic review of literature, specifically empirical articles published in English and Spanish in the Scopus and Redalyc databases in a period of time between January 1998 and June 2019. As a result, 2,202 studies were found. After the screening process and having verified exclusion and inclusion criteria, 41 articles were selected as units of analysis. Based on the Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory (1987), after having fully read the selected articles, 16 risk factors were identified in the microsystem and four in the exosystem, in addition to 13 factors in the personal dimension. In the same way, protective factors were observed - seven in the microsystem, one in the exosystem and seven in the personal dimension. The discussion on these results focuses on the considerations to be taken into account in prevention and intervention programs for criminal behaviors during adolescence.

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