Predictores cognitivos de personalidad y el estrés para síntomas de depresión y ansiedad en estudiantes que ingresan a la universidad

  1. Nora Helena Londoño Arredondo 1
  2. Jorge Palacio Sañudo 2
  3. Esther Calvete Zumalde 3
  4. Fernando Juárez Acosta 4
  5. Daniel Camilo Aguirre Acevedo 5
  1. 1 Universidad San Buenaventura
  2. 2 Universidad del Norte

    Universidad del Norte

    Barranquilla, Colombia


  3. 3 Universidad de Deusto

    Universidad de Deusto

    Bilbao, España


  4. 4 Universidad del Rosario

    Universidad del Rosario

    Bogotá, Colombia


  5. 5 Universidad de Antioquia

    Universidad de Antioquia

    Medellín, Colombia


Revista de Psicología: (Universidad de Antioquía)

ISSN: 2145-4892

Year of publication: 2020

Issue Title: Monográfico Trastornos de Personalidad; e342752

Volume: 12

Issue: 2

Type: Article

DOI: 10.17533/UDEA.RP.V12N2A01 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Revista de Psicología: (Universidad de Antioquía)


The purpose of the study was to investigate the vulnerability-stress model applied to the prevention of depression and anxiety in students in the first semesters of higher education through a longitudinal study. 356 students from two universities located in different regions of Colombia participated: Medellín and Barranquilla. Symptoms of depression and anxiety were evaluated at the beginning and at the end of the semester and were analyzed the predictive dependence of cognitive variables (maladaptive schemes and beliefs of personality disorders), and stress, in the variability of symptoms. Results and discussion: the predictive hypotheses of the cognitive variables for the symptoms of depression and anxiety were validated. Insufficient self-control and social isolation were the maladaptive schemes that had the best predictive power for the symptoms of depression, and the schemes of vulnerability, subjugation, emotional deprivation, defectiveness, and negatively isolation, for anxiety symptoms. Dependence and histrionic personality disorder beliefs had a high level of prediction for both depression and anxiety symptoms. Additionally, schizoid personality disorder beliefs had predictive power for depression symptoms, and borderline personality beliefs for anxiety symptoms.

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