Perfiles de personas jugadoras de videojuegos y coocurrencia de abuso de videojuegos, trastorno de juego y consumo de sustanciasanálisis por tipo de videojuegos
ISSN: 0213-7615
Any de publicació: 2020
Número: 45
Pàgines: 14-28
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Revista española de drogodependencias
Video games abuse is a behaviour of increasing prevalence that may vary depending on the type of video game, and may co-occur with other addictions such as gambling disorder or substance use disorder. Therefore, this study aims to analyse the co-occurrence of video game abuse with these behaviours as a function of age, sex, and academic performance, and to analyse these profiles depending on which the main video game that used is (Fornite, FIFA, or other video games). The sample comprised 393 video game users (18-36 years old; 21.6% were female and 76.8% male). The results showed greater degrees of gambling disorder in males and greater degrees of video game and substance abuse in repeaters of 2 or more courses. Regarding age, older participants showed a greater use of offline card and sports betting, online lottery, cocaine, and speed, and younger participants showed greater use of energy drinks and video games, especially in Fortnite users, in which video game abuse was related with substance abuse. In the case of FIFA users, there was a significant relationship of video game abuse with gambling disorder. In this group, gambling disorder and substance abuse showed a significant relationship with sports betting. These results draw differential profiles which are of interest for prevention and intervention.
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