Inspira STEAMbreaking the confidence gap with female roles

  1. Guenaga Gómez, Mariluz
  2. Fernández Álvarez, Lorena
Investigaciones feministas

ISSN: 2171-6080

Year of publication: 2020

Issue Title: Metodologías Feministas: nuevas perspectivas

Volume: 11

Issue: 2

Pages: 273-286

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5209/INFE.65836 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Investigaciones feministas

Sustainable development goals


Following women’s careers in STEAM can be compared to a leaking pipeline, which leaks in so many ways that, in the end, it is empty before it reaches leading professional positions. However, even before, girls do not opt for STEAM studies, and one of the main reasons is their lack of confidence: both self-confidence and trust in other people. Girls see the potential of women in many fields, but when asked directly, they do not see themselves as able to be good scientists or technologists. This lack of confidence is what we found in the Inspira STEAM project, aimed at increasing the interest in STEAM of girls in primary education and promoting scientific and technological careers.  The project consisted of six one-hour sessions following group mentoring methodology at school-hours carried out by female professionals in STEAM as close reference models. Mentors were trained in the methodology, gender perspective and materials developed for the sessions. After completing the program girls, boys and mentors completed a questionnaire about their experience. Results show great satisfaction of participants with the program but less self-confidence in the performance of mentors. Also, girls show high confidence in what women are able to achieve, but not so much in what they, personally, can achieve related to science and technology. These results have great relevance to understanding the confidence gap and figuring out how to close it.

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