La Carta europea de les llengües regionals o minoritàries en el seu vintè aniversaribalanç i reptes de futur

  1. Eduardo Ruiz Vieytez
Revista de llengua i dret

ISSN: 2013-1453

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 69

Pages: 18-27

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de llengua i dret


The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages is one of Europe’s main instruments for protecting the continent’s linguistic heritage, by means of measures guaranteeing the use of said languages in their respective environments. Twenty-five years after its approval and twenty following its entry into force, the charter has seen both successes and failures in achieving its goals. Particularly difficult has been the protection of weak or dispersed languages, or some immigrant languages, for which neither the charter nor other legal instruments provide effective guarantees of conservation and development. Although the overall conclusion with regard to the charter’s existence over these past twenty-five years must be a positive one, there are a good number of aspects calling for an update of both contents, through their reinterpretation, and of procedures for ratifying new countries and for monitoring its compliance

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