El permiso de paternidad en Noruega¿un espejo en el que España ha de mirarse?

  1. 1 Universidad de Deusto

    Universidad de Deusto

    Bilbao, España

    ROR https://ror.org/00ne6sr39

Revista General de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social

ISSN: 1696-9626

Year of publication: 2017

Issue: 45

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista General de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social


The present study analyses the regulation of the paternity leave in Norway and the success of this measure for the involvement of the men in the care of their sons and daughters. With that purpose, the study makes a comparison with the most recent Spanish regulation to assess the reason for the failure of this measure in Spain and to identify some good practices for a new regulation with wider scopes in our country.

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