Elementos facilitadores y barreras para la participación en proyectos comunitarios: un estudio de caso con población adolescente

  1. Janire Fonseca Peso 1
  2. Concepción Maiztegui Oñate 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Deusto

    Universidad de Deusto

    Bilbao, España

    ROR https://ror.org/00ne6sr39

Pedagogía social: revista interuniversitaria

ISSN: 1139-1723

Year of publication: 2017

Issue Title: Diversidad Cultural e inclusión socioeducativa

Issue: 29

Pages: 157-170

Type: Article

More publications in: Pedagogía social: revista interuniversitaria


This article presents some preliminary data of a research about a group of teen-ager ́s participation (12-17 years-old) in a community project. It is based on a wider research project which, during two years (2013-15), has used an ethnographic approach to understand teenager ́s daily experiences in that community project and the generated process through their interaction with peers and the educational team. The purpose of this article is to identify drivers and barriers that different agents perceive for participating in the community project. To this end, initial results are gathered in three discussion groups: adolescents who have a background on the organization (for at least 3 years) and high level of commitment related to a “projective type of participation” (Llena, Novella, Trilla, Noguera, Morata & Morell, 2015); their families and adult workers. Preliminary results of participant observation in the advisory group (22 hours) and assemblies (10 hours) of the community are also incorporated. Data analysis shows that there are three principal drivers to participate: the profile of the ado-lescents and their families, the relationships they established with the educational team and their awareness of learning. Regarding obstacles, there are other three aspects: participants’ lack of interest on the available opportunities, their stage of life and their expectations.

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