Reglamento 2016/1624De FRONTEX a la guardia europea de fronteras y costas
Universidad de Deusto
ISSN: 1696-9634
Argitalpen urtea: 2017
Zenbakia: 41
Orrialdeak: 223-251
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista General de Derecho Europeo
Regulation 2016/1624 establishes a European Border and Coast Guard with the aim of ensuring a genuine and integrated management of the external borders of the European Union. This paper examines the extension of powers to the European Border Guard and to what degree its new complaint mechanism effectively promotes the protection of fundamental rights. However, it is concluded that the functions delegated to the new agency do not imply a complete integration of the control and surveillance of borders at European level, although its new name seems to suggest the opposite. Furthermore, the complaint mechanism does not determine an extension of the responsibility of the European Border Guard balanced to the reinforcement of its tasks and competences.