Propuesta de una nueva metodología para medir la sostenibilidad y la competitividadAplicación a los países de la OCDE durante la gran recesión

  1. Ricardo Aguado 1
  2. Jabier Martínez 2
  1. 1 Deusto Business School
  2. 2 Jabier Martínez
Revista de Derecho, Empresa y Sociedad (REDS)

ISSN: 2340-4647

Argitalpen urtea: 2014

Zenbakia: 4

Orrialdeak: 159-174

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista de Derecho, Empresa y Sociedad (REDS)


The sustainable economy’s growth is a recent notion and proposal that has been impulse by multilateral organizations (OECD, IMF, Europea Comision …) and governmental organization. Sustainable economy’s achievement is based more in social condition and environmental improvements, than in the economy development and long competitiveness. This works target is to analyze the different relations between the sustainability three dimensions: the economical, the environmental and the social. Also, we will propose indications of those three dimensions using the DEA technique. The test is done for the 2010 year, a period of time defined by a big recession, which internationally begun in 2008, and that for some countries, like Spain, has taken too long.