Imagen del profesor en el grado en educación primaria

  1. Martínez de la Hidalga, Zoe 1
  2. Villardón Gallego, Lourdes 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Deusto

    Universidad de Deusto

    Bilbao, España


Tendencias pedagógicas

ISSN: 1133-2654

Year of publication: 2015

Issue Title: ¿Qué maestros formamos desde los grados?

Issue: 25

Pages: 149-166

Type: Article

More publications in: Tendencias pedagógicas


The construction of the professional identity is one of the educational goals of teacher training. The target of this investigation is to know how the professional image of teacher has changed during university studies. In the research, 134 students of the last year of the Grade in Primary Education have been involved responding to an open-ended questionnaire. The replies of the participants suggest that the taken studies of the grade have promote to change their image of the teacher as it has helped to recognize the importance of the teacher and also to be aware of the difficulty and complexity of the performance, as well as the number of functions and tasks. They have identified components of the professional profile, including some of the competences that enable their performance. Additionally, some students report to have made progress in their identification with the profession. These results have implications for teacher training.

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