Caracterización articulatoria de ele en español y euskara

  1. Iribar Ibabe, Alexander
  2. Miren Pagola, Rosa
  3. Túrrez, Itziar
Estudios de fonética experimental

ISSN: 2385-3573 1575-5533

Year of publication: 2013

Issue: 22

Type: Article

More publications in: Estudios de fonética experimental


This paper provides both a characterization and a comparison of the production of /l/ in Spanish and Basque. In the first place, we have measured, using Dicompas software, a collection of articulatory parameters taken from the analysis of images obtained through magnetic resonance. In the second place, this informartion has been complemented and contrasted with two other experiemental procedures: electropalatography and spectrography. The analysis has shown significant differences in the production of /l/ in both languages.

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