Euskal Herriko Gizarte-Ekintza. Iraganeko oinarrietatik etorkizuneko ahalbideetara

  1. Arrieta Idiakez, Francisco Javier
  2. López Rodríguez, Josune
Jado: boletín de la Academia Vasca de Derecho = Zuzenbidearen Euskal Akademiaren aldizkaria

ISSN: 1888-0525

Year of publication: 2012

Year: 11

Issue: 23

Pages: 141-256

Type: Article

More publications in: Jado: boletín de la Academia Vasca de Derecho = Zuzenbidearen Euskal Akademiaren aldizkaria


The aim of this study is to analyze the types of techniques that have been implemented to achieve social protection in the Basque Country throughout history. Firstly, the different types of protection techniques are explained. Secondly, the study focuses on how they have been implemented in the Basque Country, taking the region´s peculiarities into account. Two time periods are clearly differentiated: before and after the Basque Country lost its regional public liberties. During the second period, public social insurance emerged in the form of specific protection techniques to solve social issues. These were the precursors of today�s Social Security System and played a key role in the independent development of social protection in the Basque Country. The study emphasizes the Basque region�s endeavors to maintain control of social insurance from the beginning. Lastly, it discusses the Basque Country�s future possibilities in the field of social protection.