La accesibilidad y las tecnologías en la información y la comunicación

  1. Guenaga Gómez, Mariluz
  2. Barbier, Ander
  3. Eguíluz, Andoni
TRANS: revista de traductología

ISSN: 1137-2311

Year of publication: 2007

Issue: 11

Pages: 155-170

Type: Article

DOI: 10.24310/TRANS.2007.V0I11.3104 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: TRANS: revista de traductología

Sustainable development goals


This article describes the main kinds of difficulties users with disabilities may have with regard to Information and Communication Technologies (ict), and the drawbacks they may experience when using computer programs. The article analyzes the assistive technology which has been developed to overcome these difficulties, and also describes the guidelines and techniques offered by different national and international organizations to design accessible technology. Finally, the article summarizes the main existing norms and laws related to accessibility in ict, and the relationship between accessibility and usability.

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