Claves para la atención y acompañamiento a mujeres víctimas y supervivientes de trata con fines de explotación sexual

  1. Gandarias Goikoetxea, Itziar
  2. Urrutikoetxea Lekanda, Oihane
  3. Navarro Lashayas, Miguel Ángel

Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones = Argitalpen Zerbitzua ; Universidad de Deusto = Deustuko Unibertsitatea

ISBN: 9788413250700

Year of publication: 2019

Type: Book


Trafficking for sexual exploitation is a complex, highly changeable phenomenon that needs to be tackled on a multi-faceted, inter-disciplinary basis by different social actors including social organisations, police forces and public institutions, because it entails not just gender violence but also a web of other serious breaches of human rights. This briefing on “Key points for supporting and accompanying women victims and survivors of human trafficking for sexual exploitation” seeks to provide guidelines for specialists at social organisations and for technical staff at public administrations and institutions who work to prevent, deal with and care for victims. It begins by giving an outline of the characteristics of women classed as victims of trafficking dealt with in the Historical Territory of Bizkaia between 2015 and 2017. It goes on to describe the gaps and needs detected among specialists at social organisations. Finally, it provides recommendations that highlight the importance of making the needs of women the core concern, avoiding re-victimisation and enhancing coordination and networking between social organisations and the public institutions involved.