Familias migrantes reagrupadas e integraciónClaves de intervención psicosocial para profesionales

  1. Silvia Peñas Martín
  2. Ana Martínez Pampliega

Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones = Argitalpen Zerbitzua ; Universidad de Deusto = Deustuko Unibertsitatea

ISBN: 978-84-16982-14-1

Year of publication: 2017

Type: Book


This briefing presents a model for psychosocial intervention intended to help tackle the problems of reunited migrant families. It considers the risk and protection factors impacting on their relational dynamics. This model is the outcome of a process of reflection based on research involving regrouped Latin American families which was conducted at the University of Deusto by the Deusto Family Psych research group for Family Assessment and Intervention. The briefing proposes key elements for psychosocial support, considering the transnational variable as key for the relational reconnecting of these families as they search for a new identity. It sets out the most frequent specific family problems in which the intervention of specialists is required, arising from prolonged periods of absence. It also examines a number of psychosocial difficulties linked to inter-generational conflicts, acculturative dissonance, discriminatory attitudes and incompatibilities in regard to the work-life balance in their host societies.