Basque digital transformation in the global economyindustry 4.0 and backshoring reconfiguration of global value chains

  1. Bart Kamp
  2. Amaia Martinez
  3. Cristina Oyon
  4. Rakel Vazquez

Argitaletxea: United Nations Industrial Development Organization

Argitalpen urtea: 2019

Mota: Liburua


This paper introduces the agenda for the Basque Country’s industrial transformation, which promotes resource efficient manufacturing by taking advantage of digitalization to incorporate added value to processes, products and services. This strategy builds on previous business development strategies and plans, research and innovation which together represent a sustainable industrial policy viewed internationally as a success story. This paper analyses the results of a large-scale survey conducted by the Basque Business Development Agency (SPRI) on the adoption of digital technologies and examines the degree with which Basque firms expect that the uptake of digital technologies will impact on the location of their manufacturing activities. Insights into the motivations underlying the acquisition of foreign production plants by a set of Basque firms interviewed are also presented.