Leadership and cooperation in academiareflecting on the roles and responsibilities of university faculty and management

  1. Roger Sugden coord.
  2. James R. Wilson coord.
  3. Marcela Valania coord.

Argitaletxea: Edward Elgar

ISBN: 978 1 78100 181 3

Argitalpen urtea: 2013

Mota: Liburua


The origins of this volume lie in our belief that the University as an academic institution is an esential ingredient of vibrant societies, and in our fears over the appropriateness of the development paths that Universities and university systems have been taking over recent years. Most especially, we are concerned taht people worked in Universities have had disturbingly little space to think about and shape those paths, perhaps partly because they have not been given the space, partly because they have chosen -conciously or otherwise- not to take the space for themselves.