Neutralidad de la red. Interconexión y acceso a las redes a la luz del código europeo de comunicaciones electrónicasCarencias y retos de futuro

Revista española de derecho administrativo

ISSN: 0210-8461

Year of publication: 2022

Issue: 217

Pages: 103-134

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista española de derecho administrativo


The net neutrality principie has been a pending subject in the European regulation on the electronic communications. EU 2015/2120 Regulation, passed by the European Parliament and The European Council, has intended to resolve that shortcoming by preventing conducts carried out by the companies that breach the antitrust regulations, interfering, blocking and slowing for the users the access to the networks. However, it has abled that operators provide better quality of services only affordable for people with more economic resources or that live in towns and places where the companies have implanted high speed broadband networks. This regulation implies crimination between users and a violation of the network neutrality principie. The European Code on Electronic Communications has strengthened the aim of promoting the competition, but it has ignored the need of giving incentives or imposing obligations in order to invest in high- speed broad band networks guaranteeing the network neutrality and the so-called "open Internet".

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