Efecto del tipo de pastoreo sobre parámetros de producción de hierba y leche en un sistema de ovino lechero

  1. N. Mandaluniz
  2. J. Arranz
  3. R. Ruiz
Pastos y Forrajes en el siglo XXI
  1. Josep Cifre Llompart (coord.)
  2. Isaac Janer March (coord.)
  3. Javier Gulías León (coord.)
  4. Jaime Jaume Sureda (coord.)
  5. Hipólito Medrano Gil (coord.)

Argitaletxea: Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos

ISBN: 978-84-606-7295-1

Argitalpen urtea: 2015

Orrialdeak: 349-356

Biltzarra: Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos. Reunión Científica (54. 2015. Palma (Mallorca))

Mota: Biltzar ekarpena


Land use and grazing management practices have changed during the last decades as result of the intensification oftraditional systems. Some of the consequences of these changes are directly related to environmental impacts, such as soilquality degradation. Regenerative practices promote the viability of rotational grazing due to its technico-economic andenvironmental effectiveness. The main objective of the present work was s to measure the effect of grazing management(rotational-D vs. free-grazing-L) on pasture (production and nutritive quality) and milk (dairy yield and composition)parameters in a dairy sheep system. According to the results, pasture production (D: 1291±207 kg MS/ha y L: 1290±234 kgMS/ha) and its nutritive quality (D: 15,6±2,5 % PB y L: 16,4±3,2) were similar in both grazing managements, but it wascollected 14% more grass in D management. Referring to livestock parameters, sheep had the same dairy milk yield (D:1325±419 ml/d y L: 1295±485 ml/d) and similar composition (D: 6,48±1,26% GB y L: 6,73±1,13% GB) in both grazingmanagements. In conclusion, rotational grazing stimulates higher grass production and do not affect livestock productiveparameters.